A Message From Chancellor Robert A. Wingfield
Greetings Woodstream Christian Academy Family and Friends!
This month marks the beginning of the third, and final, year of our 2025 Legacy to Destiny Annual Fund Campaign. In Year 1 and Year 2, the Lord worked through our WCA donors to bless the Academy mightily. Through their generosity, WCA was able to purchase much-needed instructional and administrative software, and new technology for the classrooms. We also funded the purchase of upgraded commercial equipment for the kitchen, and various staff and teacher professional development initiatives. Praise the Lord!
In Year 3, we will still need your help. The opening of the Woodstream Church Family Life Center presents the Academy with myriad possibilities for expanded educational and extracurricular services and experiences. Likewise, the current, and anticipated, growth in enrollment increases our need for greater specialization in addressing diverse learning needs. Year 3 Annual Fund donations will be earmarked to support the augmentation of services that can properly address these growth challenges.
Our goal is to receive 100% participation from each of you. If you are not already a contributor, would you please consider joining the Campaign with a suggested donation of as little as $25 per month? While some may be able to do more, (we know) the amount is not as important as donor faithfulness. Our experience has shown us that little in the Master’s hands can yield much!
Will you make this the year that you join, or continue with, the 2025 Legacy to Destiny Campaign? Your sacrifice will be appreciated. Regular, automatic donations are most helpful.
You can visit the 2025 Legacy to Destiny website, https://www.2025l2d.org/ , click the Find Out More button, and sign up for recuring or one-time donations. You may also set up regular donations through your bank or mail your donations directly to Woodstream Christian Academy 2025 Legacy to Destiny Campaign, 9800 Lottsford Road, Mitchellville, Md. 20721.
I hope that I can count on you to assist us in reaching our Year 3 Campaign goals. I cannot wait to see what the Lord will do because He is ever faithful and…I’m All In!
Please join us.
May the Lord richly bless you, even as you continue to bless others.

May the Lord richly bless you, even as you continue to bless others.
Robert A. Wingfield, D.D.
Sr. Pastor, Woodstream Church
Chancellor, Woodstream Christian Academy